15 Minutes to Make Bottle Night Light

night light dark
Pretty Glass Filled Night Light

One thing I  gave up when I remarried was my candles!  If we weren’t in the room where the lovely light was flickering, he blew it out as we exited the room.  In my single days I used to come home from work and go around the house lighting candles in each room with the Bic lighter enjoying the dancing light on those first dark winter days.  Then it was fun to go through all the rooms and blow them out at bedtime.  My husband doesn’t think that is safe.  HUH!  If we have to blow out the candles….well…. it isn’t worth the time to light them.  LOL

Oh well , it is a small thing to sacrifice since he does all the cooking, vaccuming and most of the laundry….YAY!  Tradeoffs  :  )

night light start

I finally got to Michael’s Craft store last week and found some gorgeous glass bowl filler in mirrored clear and turquoise.


night light parts

A few aisles down I saw this “cork” with a self turn light and immediately thought of making a night light with it.

One place I always miss a candle burning is in the guest bathroom when we host our friends.  It’s nice to have a little light on so folks can find the light switch, this bottle night light in beachy colors is perfect to light the way!


night light light


Step #1:  Put a 1″ layer of the turquoise glass pieces on the bottom.

Step #2:  Next put a 1″  layer of the clear mirrored glass pieces.

Step #3: Wrap some necklace chains around the neck of the glass and secure with a wire in the back

Step #4: Attach some prisms to the chain

Step #5: Decorate the “cork” with a rhinestone earring.

night light parts

This “cork” is ingenious…you just twist the lighted end on or off so you don’t glue the cork into the bottle.  When you want a night light you lift it off the top and give it a twist to light it.  The light reflects off the mirrored glass pieces and it is just gorgeous!

night light dark
Pretty Glass Filled Night Light

I love the romance of the light dancing off the mirrored clear glass…it really is pretty.  It really only takes 15 minutes to make this if you have all your supplies at hand!




One comment

  1. Very interesting! I am like your husband – my neighbor used to burn tons of candles and she was on full oxygen 100% of the time – every day I expected there to be an explosion of some sort. Yikes! She is gone now and nothing happened, but my overactive imagine taking hold. 🙂

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